Did Nike drop Kyrie?


Nike has been a staple in the basketball world for many years now. They have been the company that has helped popularize the sport and has been a part of many championships. Recently, Kyrie Irving, one of the most popular players in the NBA, signed with Nike. However, there has been some speculation that Nike may have dropped him due to his recent political statements.

Background on Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving is a talented basketball player who has been with Nike since he was a teenager. Irving has had a successful career, but there is speculation that Nike may have dropped him because of his recent political statements. Irving has spoken out against President Donald Trump, and some believe that this may have cost him the support of Nike.

Overview of the controversy

The Kyrie Irving trade saga has been one that has been brewing for quite some time now. Kyrie Irving requested a trade from the Cleveland Cavaliers in the offseason, and it was clear that he was not happy with the team. Irving was eventually traded to the Boston Celtics, and there has been a lot of speculation surrounding the deal. Some people believe that Nike dropped Kyrie as a marketing ploy, while others believe that the Celtics were the only team that could offer him the best chance to win a championship. It is still unclear what really happened, but one thing is for sure - Kyrie Irving is now a Boston Celtic.

What Happened?

Nike dropped Kyrie Irving from their endorsement deal just days after he announced he was leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers. Irving's departure leaves the Cavs with a hole at the point guard position and may have contributed to Nike's decision. Irving was one of Nike's most high-profile athletes and their loss may have had a significant impact on their sales.

Kyrie Irving's comments

Kyrie Irving's comments about Nike dropping him from their endorsement deal have sparked a lot of conversation online. Some people are convinced that Nike dropped Kyrie because of his comments, while others believe that the two parties simply parted ways amicably. However, no one really knows for sure what happened.

Nike's response

Nike's response to Kyrie Irving's trade request has been met with mixed reactions. Some believe that Nike dropped Irving, while others believe that Irving's request was simply a ploy to get a better contract. Regardless of Nike's true intentions, Irving's trade request has sparked a heated debate about player loyalty. Some believe that Irving should have stuck with the Cavaliers, while others believe that he should have taken the opportunity to play for a contender. Regardless of one's opinion, it's clear that Irving's trade request has sparked a lot of discussion.

What Does This Mean for Nike?

Nike has been a staple in the basketball world for many years now, and their involvement in the Kyrie Irving trade has left many people wondering what this means for the company. Kyrie Irving is a highly-skilled player, and Nike may have lost a major player in their basketball world.

Impact on Nike's reputation

Nike's reputation has taken a hit in recent months due to their association with Kyrie Irving. Irving was recently traded to the Boston Celtics, which many believe was a result of Nike's pressure. Some believe that Nike dropped Kyrie as a result of this pressure.

Potential financial losses

Nike is a company that is known for its high-quality products. Kyrie Irving, a basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers, is a Nike athlete. Recently, there has been speculation that Nike may have dropped Kyrie Irving. If this is true, Nike could potentially lose a lot of money.

What Does This Mean for Kyrie?

Kyrie Irving's future with Nike is up in the air after he reportedly requested a trade from the company. This could mean a number of things, but it's possible that Irving is looking for a new home after growing frustrated with the Celtics' lack of playoff success. If Irving does leave Nike, it would be a huge loss for the brand. Irving is one of Nike's most popular athletes and his endorsement deals are some of the most lucrative in the company. It's unclear whether or not Nike will actually trade Irving, but if they do it would be a major blow to their marketing strategy.

Impact on Kyrie's reputation

Kyrie Irving's reputation took a major hit after Nike dropped him from their endorsement deal. Many people are wondering if Nike dropped Kyrie because of his recent comments about the Cavaliers. It is still unclear what Nike's decision was, but it is clear that Kyrie's reputation has taken a hit.

Potential financial losses

Nike's decision to drop Kyrie Irving from their upcoming NBA season has sparked a lot of discussion online. Some people are arguing that the company lost money by cutting ties with Irving, while others are saying that Irving's decision to leave Cleveland was his own and that Nike had no control over the situation. In the end, it's hard to say for sure whether Nike lost money by dropping Irving or not, but the company's decision is sure to generate a lot of discussion.


Nike dropped Kyrie Irving from their endorsement deal just days after he announced he was leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers. Some are saying that Nike dropped Kyrie because he was unhappy with the Cavs' decision to trade him to the Boston Celtics. Others are saying that Kyrie's unhappiness was just a ploy to get a new contract from the Cavs. In any case, Kyrie's departure from Nike is a big deal.

Summary of the controversy

The Kyrie Irving trade saga has been a hot topic for weeks now, with many people wondering if Nike dropped the All-Star point guard. Some say Nike pulled the plug on the trade because Irving requested a trade to the Lakers, while others say Irving's camp was never on board with the deal in the first place. In the end, it's still unclear if Nike dropped Irving or if the trade fell through due to other reasons.

Implications for Nike and Kyrie

Nike has been a staple in the basketball world for many years. They have been the company that has helped athletes achieve their goals and dreams. Kyrie Irving is one of these athletes. Kyrie is a young player who has a lot of potential. He has been with Nike for a few years now and has had some great success. Recently, Kyrie Irving had a falling out with Nike. This falling out has caused many people to ask the question, did Nike drop Kyrie?

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