Why was Kyrie dropped from Nike?


Kyrie Irving was dropped from Nike after he decided to sign with Adidas. Irving cited the company's commitment to creating a positive environment for athletes as one of the reasons for his decision. Irving is the latest high-profile athlete to leave Nike in protest of the company's treatment of athletes.

Background on Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving, the young and talented point guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers, was dropped by Nike, a company he had been with since he was a young player, in the middle of the 2017-2018 season. Irving had been struggling with injuries and was not producing the way Nike wanted him to. Irving is a talented player, but his struggles may have been the reason for his departure.

Overview of Kyrie’s relationship with Nike

Kyrie Irving is one of the most popular athletes in the world, and he has a close relationship with Nike. In 2017, Irving was dropped from Nike after he decided to sign with Adidas. Irving cited the company's commitment to creating social responsibility as one of the reasons for his decision.

Reasons for Kyrie’s Departure from Nike

Kyrie Irving's departure from Nike is a topic of much speculation. Some believe that Irving's departure has to do with his relationship with the company, while others believe that Irving was dropped because of his lackluster play on the court. Whatever the reason, Irving's departure leaves a big hole in Nike's basketball lineup.

Kyrie’s desire to have more control over his brand

Kyrie Irving has always been a highly sought-after player in the NBA, and his desire to have more control over his brand has only grown in recent years. In 2017, Kyrie was dropped from Nike after he decided to sign with Adidas. Some believe that this was due to Nike's displeasure with Kyrie's decision to sign with a rival brand, while others believe that Nike's decision was simply based on Kyrie's declining performance. Regardless of the reason, Kyrie's departure from Nike left a sour taste in many fans' mouths.

Nike’s lack of interest in Kyrie’s signature shoe line

Nike has been known for their innovative and cutting-edge sneakers, but it seems as though they have lost interest in Kyrie Irving's signature shoe line. Kyrie was dropped from Nike in early 2018, and there is no clear explanation as to why. Some speculate that Nike may have been unhappy with Kyrie's decision to sign with Adidas, but there is no clear evidence to support this claim. Kyrie is still one of the most popular and well-known basketball players in the world, and his shoes are sure to be a hit with fans of the sport.

Kyrie’s desire to create a more affordable shoe

Kyrie Irving is a talented basketball player who has been with Nike for a few years now. He has expressed a desire to create a more affordable shoe, which may have led to his departure from the company. Nike has a history of being expensive, and Kyrie may not have been comfortable with that.

Impact of Kyrie’s Departure from Nike

Kyrie Irving's departure from Nike has caused a lot of controversy. Some say it was because of his attitude, while others say it was because of his poor play. Regardless of the reason, Kyrie's departure has had a significant impact on the company. Nike lost a major player and their relationship with Kyrie was already tenuous.

Kyrie’s new partnership with Puma

Kyrie Irving's new partnership with Puma has sparked a lot of conversation in the basketball world. Some are wondering why Kyrie was dropped from Nike, while others are praising the move. Kyrie's decision to switch brands comes as a bit of a surprise, but it's clear that he's looking for new opportunities.

Impact on Nike’s market share

Nike's market share has been on the decline for a few years now, with Adidas and Under Armour becoming more and more popular. Kyrie Irving was a huge part of Nike's marketing strategy, but he was dropped from their marketing in 2018. Some say that this was due to Irving's trade to the Boston Celtics, while others say that Nike's marketing team was looking for a new face. Regardless of the reason, Irving's departure has had a significant impact on Nike's market share.

Impact on Kyrie’s brand

Kyrie Irving's decision to leave Nike and sign with Adidas was met with mixed reactions from fans and analysts. Some argued that the move would hurt Irving's brand, while others claimed that it was a shrewd business decision on Irving's part. However, the biggest reason why Irving was dropped from Nike was his refusal to sign a contract extension with the company.


Nike's decision to drop Kyrie Irving from their endorsement roster comes as a surprise to many, as the young point guard has been one of the most successful players in the company's history. Irving's departure is likely due to the fact that he is currently playing for the Boston Celtics, a team that is not affiliated with Nike. Irving's contract with Nike runs until 2024, so the company may have decided to move on from him sooner rather than later.

Summary of Kyrie’s departure from Nike

Kyrie Irving, one of the most popular and well-known basketball players in the world, recently announced that he would be leaving Nike, citing the company's lack of support for athletes who choose to kneel during the national anthem as the reason for his departure. Irving's departure comes as a surprise, as Nike has been one of the most prominent sponsors of the NBA and Kyrie has been a part of the Nike brand for many years. Nike has been criticized for their lack of support for athletes who choose to kneel during the national anthem. In September, Nike released a statement saying that they "support the rights of athletes to express themselves freely" but that they "will not support any athlete that disrespects our flag or our national anthem." This statement came after Colin Kaepernick, a former NFL quarterback who started kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial injustice, was blacklisted by Nike. Kyrie Irving's departure from Nike is a sign that the company is not willing to support athletes who choose to take a political stance. Nike has been criticized for their lack of support for athletes who choose to kneel during the national anthem, but they have not shown any signs of changing their policy. This departure shows that athletes who choose to take a political stance will not be supported by Nike, and that other companies will be more willing to sponsor them.

Impact of Kyrie’s departure on the sneaker industry

Kyrie Irving's departure from the Cleveland Cavaliers has had a significant impact on the sneaker industry. Nike, Irving's former shoe sponsor, dropped him from their line-up after he requested a trade in September. Irving is now a free agent and has signed with Adidas. Nike's decision to drop Irving may have been motivated by his desire for a new contract, as well as his dissatisfaction with the Cavaliers' performance.

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