Is Kyrie still a Nike athlete?


Kyrie Irving is no longer a Nike athlete, but that doesn't mean he's stopped wearing the brand. In fact, he's been spotted in Nike gear multiple times since he parted ways with the company. Whether or not he's still wearing Nike shoes and clothes is unknown, but it's safe to say that he's not averse to the brand.

Background on Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving is a former Nike athlete. He signed with Adidas in 2017.

Overview of Kyrie’s relationship with Nike

Kyrie Irving is one of the most popular athletes in the world, and his relationship with Nike is a major part of that. Kyrie has been with Nike since he was a young player, and the company has been very supportive of him throughout his career. Kyrie is still an athlete with Nike, and he has continued to produce great basketball performances since leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers. Kyrie is a major part of Nike's marketing strategy, and his popularity ensures that the company will continue to be successful.

Kyrie’s Move to Sign with Puma

Kyrie Irving has signed with Puma, ending his Nike tenure. This move comes as a surprise, as Irving had been a Nike athlete for most of his career. However, Irving has stated that he is happy with the move and is looking forward to the future. It is still unclear whether or not Irving is still a Nike athlete, but he will be wearing Puma gear in the future.

Reasons for Kyrie’s move to Puma

Kyrie Irving's move from Nike to Puma was a surprise to many, but there are a few reasons why the Kyrie Irving saga might have ended with the switch. First, Nike is reportedly paying Irving $25 million over the next four years, which is a lot of money for a player who has not yet won an NBA championship. Second, Nike has been criticized for its lack of support for Irving during his time with the company. Third, Puma is a much smaller company than Nike, and Irving may have felt like he was not being given the same level of support from Puma. Finally, Nike has been known for its innovative basketball shoes, while Puma has not been as successful in this area. Kyrie Irving is still an Nike athlete, but it's possible that his time with the company is coming to an end.

Impact of Kyrie’s move on Nike

Kyrie Irving's move to the Boston Celtics has had a significant impact on Nike's brand image. Is Kyrie still an athlete for Nike, or has his move caused the brand to lose some of its credibility?

Kyrie’s Relationship with Nike Post-Move

Kyrie Irving's move to the Boston Celtics has sparked a lot of discussion about his relationship with Nike. Some people believe that Kyrie's departure from Nike signals the end of his relationship with the company, while others believe that Kyrie is still an active Nike athlete. It's unclear what the future holds for Kyrie and Nike, but fans will continue to watch and speculate about their relationship.

Kyrie’s continued involvement with Nike

Kyrie Irving continues to be heavily involved with Nike, even appearing in a recent ad campaign. However, is Kyrie still an athlete for Nike? There is no definitive answer, but it seems likely that he is not.

Nike’s response to Kyrie’s move

Nike has been heavily criticized for their response to Kyrie Irving's decision to leave the company. Many people believe that Nike mishandled the situation and that Kyrie is no longer an athlete with the company. However, Nike has not released a statement confirming or denying this. It is still unclear whether or not Kyrie is still an athlete with Nike.


Kyrie Irving is no longer an athlete with Nike, as he signed with Adidas in 2018. While this may come as a surprise to some, it makes sense given Irving's recent success with the Celtics. Irving has been one of the most dominant players in the NBA over the past few years, and it's likely that he'll continue to be a top player in the league for years to come.

Summary of Kyrie’s current relationship with Nike

Kyrie Irving is currently a Nike athlete, but it is unknown if he will remain with the company in the future. Irving has had a tumultuous relationship with Nike in the past, and it is possible that the company may not want to renew his contract.

Final thoughts on Kyrie’s move to Puma

Kyrie Irving's move to Puma was met with mixed reactions from fans and athletes alike. Some feel that he made a mistake by leaving Nike, while others feel that he made the best decision for himself. Irving still maintains his Nike affiliation, but it's unclear if he will continue to wear the brand's products moving forward.

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